If anyone was waiting on previously-started videos to be finished first, I understand how that can be frustrating; if I was working on something else and spent so much time on it, why put it on hold and start something else? Well, for starters, this new video is short and to-the-point. It's something I just found funny and was excited to animate. I hate having to wait so long to publish something, so my idea was to get something out short and sweet to hold followers over in between my bigger publications. I tried that recently, and its turnout was less than what I was hoping for. So here's me having another shot at it!
But then... software problems began to occur. Adobe Flash CS6 Pro, the animation program I've been using for almost a decade now, finally has started to have performance issues I can't find workarounds for. After weeks of looking for answers, I have officially changed my primary animation software to Toonboom Harmony 21. The transition has been far from smooth, and even after I got used to almost everything, the latest version of this software, also, has been experiencing compatibility issues and glitchy performance with some key features I'd hoped something so expensive would be able to do without problems. Overall, it's an improvement, but holy moly, progress slowed down drastically due to these speedbumps.
So, once again, a video I "hoped to crank out quickly to hold everyone over for the big video I have planned" has been taking much longer than I had anticipated. What a load of ass. Seriously, it's been making me a little sad. I love writing, gathering voice overs, animating and finalizing a cartoon. I've done this many times over the years and it just never gets old! But when software/hardware issues occur and life simply gets in the way... "it's frustrating" doesn't really do justice to the feeling I'm attempting to describe.
It's not just my software, either; life in general has been busy. Finances, relationships, physical and mental health, and on top of all that, trying to spend a bit of time a day relaxing instead of being a damn workaholic all the time... yikes, I just looked back at all the months that sped by this year... where the hell does all the time go? Granted, I'm glad I was able to find time to work on and finish some projects this year, and I'm happy with how a lot of my artwork turned out, but even then, there's been loads of things/characters I've been dying to draw lately, but I've been allocating all of my desk time on trying to learn this new software and getting this video done. As you may have already read, I have a much bigger one already in the works, more planned, and on top of that, so many other projects I want to do. I feel like I'm trying so hard to juggle around work, life, my health, and projects all while learning new programs and keeping myself up to date with the ever-growing updates technology is undergoing. Years ago I thought I was all set once I learned Flash and AS3, but now? I glanced back and realized I gotta drop the old and unravel the secrets of the new.
This post is getting long and I'm past my bedtime. Thanks to those of you who read these and who continue to watch and support what I do! Once again, see you soon.