I've been spending a lot of my free time practicing art, learning a game development program that I'm not terribly familiar with yet (Unity), and squaring away more music composition skills (all in that order, from most to least). This has become finding a balance between getting good at what I do as well as uploading content for you all, instead of merely one-or-the-other.
Since plans are subject to change, I typically don't like to announce them, but what I will say--for now--is that there is a video in the works that I imagine will be finished toward the end of this month, if not early July. After that, I've got at least three more little animations I think I'll get done right before Autumn falls, but it all depends on what happens!
Life's been great, I haven't been this happy in a long time. Just spending my time doing what I love, practicing, improving, seeing results, publishing, discussing ideas and building concepts with friends... it's been a hell of a ride, and I can't wait to see how it all plays out and ends.